All About Impressive Recipe

How Cockatiel's Communicate

Dec 26

Cockatiel language and behavior may be quite sophisticated, but with a basic understanding of some typical cockatiel characteristics and what they signify, you’ll have a greater understanding of your pet birds. We’ll begin with the cockatiels’ crest language.

Cockatiels are one of a kind among tiny birds since, unlike other tiny birds, they have a crest that can provide clues as to what’s going on inside their minds. The positions of the crest range from flat on the head to sticking straight up into the air.

Reading Cockatiel Bird Body Language

  1. A highly raised crest. The color red is very bright! This is a typical posture whenever a cockatiel is startled or on guard. When the voice of another cockatiel who he can’t see startles him, this happens frequently. It’s an all-purpose “alert” crest that can be used for many purposes.
  2. The crest is lowered at a “half-mast” position. The usual content cockatiel has a normal crest posture.
  3. A harsh, flat crest. When your cockatiel’s crest flattens on the head, it’s generally a sign of aggression and most often when you get too close to your birds’ cage while eating. Of course, even sweet, docile cockatiels like my baby cockatiel Toby (male cockatiel, just over 6 months old) have instances when the crest will flatten and the inner monster will emerge. It’s perfectly natural for both babies and adults! Find out about why Cockatiels moult
  4. A puffed up crest. If your cockatiel’s crest is sticking straight up in the air, it usually means that he or she is scared or feeling threatened in some way. For example, when I first put Toby in his new cage, his crest went straight up because he was unfamiliar with his surroundings and felt unsafe
  5. The top of the head is positioned in a slightly downturned position. This is a typical posture for an inquisitive cockatiel.

Health-Related Behavior

Skinny Cockatiel:

It’s possible that your cockatiel has been startled or is scared if he shrinks dramatically and becomes “skinny.” The feathers on the body tend to pucker up, and all of them lay flat. This is generally accompanied by a “red alert” crest. Find out more about what Cockatiels eat

Heart-Shaped Wings:

The term “big chest” refers to a cockatiel’s prominent chest. This is when a cockatiel keeps his wings slightly away from his sides and his chest sticks out. The wing-shaped design from behind resembles a heart. This is a cockatiel behavior that happens 90 percent of the time, and it’s simply your cockatiel showing off because he likes you. When flirting with cockatiels, a big muscular chest is an excellent tool since it’s the same for humans and ladies. You should be aware of how intelligent your bird is and how much information you provide them on a daily basis, as their owner, therefore don’t forget about these hints.

The Head Bob:

A cockatiel that constantly bobs his head within his cage might be attempting to communicate with you in a variety of ways. It is frequently an indication of hunger in a young or unweaned bird. It’s possible that your cockatiel is begging for food. It might be a way of showing off or attempting to get some attention in an older cockatiel.

The Bowed Head:

If your cockatiel lowers his head and leaves it there, he’s offering you an opportunity to stroke his head. This is highly adorable! If you don’t respond to your pet bird’s demands in a timely manner, a more demanding cockatiel may beak bang a few times before leaving his head stationary.